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Vault Integration

Key Files: pkg/vault/handle_token.go, pkg/vault/vault.go

1. How It Works:

Vault Integration is a crucial feature that handles interactions with HashiCorp Vault for generating and managing database credentials. This integration ensures that the application can securely request and use credentials from Vault.

2. Key Responsibilities:

  1. Vault Client Initialization:
  2. The application initializes a Vault client using the provided configuration. This client is used to authenticate and communicate with the Vault server.

  3. Authentication with Vault:

  4. The application authenticates with Vault using a Kubernetes authentication method

  5. Requesting Credentials:

  6. When the application needs database credentials, it sends a request to Vault. Vault generates the credentials and returns them to the application.

  7. Handling Tokens:

  8. The application manages the tokens used to authenticate with Vault, including handling token renewal and revocation as needed.

3. Benefits:

  • Secure Credential Management:
  • By integrating with Vault, the application can securely manage database credentials. Vault ensures that credentials are generated securely and rotated regularly, enhancing overall security.

  • Dynamic Credential Generation:

  • Credentials are generated on demand, which means they are always fresh and have limited lifespans. This dynamic generation reduces the risk of credential compromise.

  • Centralized Secret Management:

  • Vault acts as a central repository for managing secrets, providing a consistent and secure way to handle sensitive information across different environments and applications.