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Key File: pkg/injector/injector.go

1. How It Works:

The injector is responsible for injecting database credentials into Kubernetes Pods using a Mutating Admission Webhook.


  • Webhook Initialization:
  • The injector sets up a webhook server that listens for Pod creation requests.
  • When a Pod is created, the webhook intercepts the request and modifies the Pod specification to include environment variables with the credentials.

  • Credential Injection:

  • The injector retrieves credentials from Vault using the configured secrets path.
  • It then injects these credentials into the Pod’s environment variables.

2. Benefits:

  • Automatic Management:
  • By automating the injection of credentials, the injector ensures that Pods have the necessary credentials without storing them statically, enhancing security.

  • Transparent Operation:

  • The Mutating Admission Webhook operates transparently, modifying Pod specifications on-the-fly without manual intervention.

  • Security:

  • Dynamic injection of credentials reduces the risk of credential leakage and ensures they are always fresh.