Here is the configuration for Vault Injector:
1 Mode Injector
The Injector mode is basic one that will handle all api-server request and handle all requests to vault to generate credentials to our DB
The config file path can be parse by adding the path with : - "--config=/injector/config.yaml"
certFile: /tls/tls.crt
keyFile: /tls/tls.key
vaultAddress: https://vault1.tld:8200
vaultAuthPath: pgsql2-dv-kubernetes1-dv-par5
logLevel: info
kubeRole: all-rw
tokenTTL: 768h
vaultSecretName: vault-injector
vaultSecretPrefix: kubernetes1-dv-par5
mode: injector
sentry: true
sentryDsn: https://my-sentry-url@sentry.tld/660
injectorLabel: vault-db-injector
defaultEngine: databases
1 Mode token-renewer
The Renewer one is a process that will run every hour and validate that all orphan token won't expire before pod is deleted
The config file path can be parse by adding the path with : - "--config=/renewer/config.yaml"
vaultAddress: https://vault1.tld:8200
vaultAuthPath: pgsql2-dv-kubernetes1-dv-par5
logLevel: info
kubeRole: all-rw
tokenTTL: 768h
vaultSecretName: vault-injector
vaultSecretPrefix: kubernetes1-dv-par5
mode: renewer
sentry: true
sentryDsn: https://my-sentry-url@sentry.tld/660
SyncTTLSecond: 300
injectorLabel: vault-db-injector
defaultEngine: databases
1 Mode token-renewer
The Revoker one is a process that is going to watch pod deletion Kubernetes events filtered with the label vault-db-injector: true
and will revoke token attached to the pod when it is deleted
The config file path can be parse by adding the path with : - "--config=/revoker/config.yaml"
vaultAddress: https://vault1.tld:8200
vaultAuthPath: pgsql2-dv-kubernetes1-dv-par5
logLevel: info
kubeRole: all-rw
tokenTTL: 768h
vaultSecretName: vault-injector
vaultSecretPrefix: kubernetes1-dv-par5
mode: revoker
sentry: true
sentryDsn: https://my-sentry-url@sentry.tld/660
injectorLabel: vault-db-injector
defaultEngine: databases