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Push notifications

Push notifications allow an app that isn’t running in the foreground to notify the user when it has information for them. Push notifications originate from a notification server and are pushed to your app on a user’s device.

Enabling Push Notifications

By default, on iOS the Numberly SDK will register for push notifications each time your app launches. You can disable this auto integration by setting the automatic_notification_registration value to false in your Numberly.plist. If you do so, you will be in charge of enabling push notifications in an other suitable moment in the user journey.

// Import
import { Numberly } from 'react-native-numberly-sdk';

// Enable push notifications


Make sure to enable push notifications each time your app launches to keep the token up to date.

The Numberly SDK provides an addListener method which sets up a function that will be called whenever the specified event is fired.

Push Token Received

Event fired when push notifications are enabled successfully and the device token is received.

import { NumberlyEventType } from 'react-native-numberly-sdk';

Numberly.addListener(NumberlyEventType.PushTokenReceived, (event) => {
  console.log(`Push token: ${event.token}`)
Push Notification Response

Event fired when a push notification is received and results in a user interaction.

import { NumberlyEventType } from 'react-native-numberly-sdk';

Numberly.addListener(NumberlyEventType.PushNotificationResponse, (notification) => {

  // Get custom data from the payload