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Gangway Configuration

Gangway reads a configuration file at startup. The path to the configuration file should be defined using the --config flag.

The configuration file should be in YAML format and contain a dictionary (alias hash or map) of key/value pairs. The available options are described below.

Configuration Options

The following options can be set via the YAML configuration file.

General Configuration

Key Description
host The address to listen on. Defaults to (all interfaces).
port The port to listen on. Defaults to 8080.
serveTLS Should Gangway use TLS instead of plain HTTP? Defaults to false.
certFile The public certificate file to use when using TLS. Defaults to /etc/gangway/tls/tls.crt.
keyFile The private key file when using TLS. Defaults to /etc/gangway/tls/tls.key.
trustedCAPath Path to a root CA to trust for self-signed certificates at Oauth2 URLs.
httpPath The path used by gangway to create URLs. Defaults to "", removing any trailing slashes.
sessionSecurityKey The session security key.
sessionSalt The session salt. Hardcoded default value MkmfuPNHnZBBivy0L0aW.
customHTMLTemplatesDir Path to a directory containing custom HTML templates.
customAssetsDir Path to a directory containing assets.

Multi-Cluster Configuration

Multi-cluster configuration allows for specific configurations for each cluster within a single file.

Production Cluster

  • EnvPrefix: kube01
  • apiServerURL: https://kube01-api-url:443
  • audience:
  • providerURL:
  • clientID:
  • clusterName: kube01
  • emailClaim: email
  • redirectURL: https://gangway.local/callback
  • scopes: ["openid", "profile", "email"]
  • tokenURL:
  • usernameClaim: email

Development Clusters

  • Cluster 1 (kube02)
  • EnvPrefix: kube02
  • apiServerURL: https://kube02-api-url:443
  • ... (same as Production)

  • Cluster 2 (kube03)

  • EnvPrefix: kube03
  • apiServerURL: https://kube03-api-url:443
  • clusterCAPath: /etc/gangly/pki/kube03/ca.crt
  • ... (same as Production)

Cluster-Specific Configuration

Each cluster can have the following configurations:

Key Description
clusterName The name of the cluster. Used in the UI and the kubectl config instructions.
providerURL OAuth2 provider URL. Must offer an endpoint $providerURL/.well-known/openid-configuration for discovery.
clientID API client ID as provided by the identity provider.
clientSecret API client secret as provided by the identity provider.
allowEmptyClientSecret Some identity providers accept an empty client secret, which is usually not a good idea. If you need to use an empty secret and accept the associated risks, then you can set this to true. Defaults to false.
audience The endpoint that provides user profile information [optional]. Not required by all providers.
scopes Used to specify the scope of the OAuth authorization request. Defaults to ["openid", "profile", "email", "offline_access"].
redirectURL Where to redirect after authentication. This should be a URL where Gangway is reachable. Typically, this must also be registered in the OAuth application with the OAuth provider.
usernameClaim The JWT claim to use as the username. This is used in the UI. Combined with the clusterName for the "user" part of kubeconfig. Defaults to nickname.
emailClaim The JWT claim to use as the email. Defaults to email.
apiServerURL The API server endpoint used for configuring kubectl.
clusterCAPath Path to find the CA bundle for the API server. Used for configuring kubectl. This path is typically mounted in the default location for workloads running on a Kubernetes cluster and usually doesn't need to be defined. Defaults to /var/run/secrets/
showClaims Display received claims. Defaults to true.

Additional Functions

  • NewMultiClusterConfig: Creates a new multi-cluster configuration instance from a serialized configuration file.
  • Validate: Verifies all properties of the configuration structure to ensure they are initialized.
  • GetRootPathPrefix: Returns '/' if no prefix is specified, otherwise returns the configured path.
  • loadCerts: Loads certificates for cluster configurations from specified paths.

Use of Environment Variables

Environment variables can be used to override configurations specified in the YAML file by using the prefix GANGWAY followed by the corresponding key name in uppercase and underscores for spaces.

Example: To override clientSecret for the kube01 cluster, use the environment variable KUBE01_GANGWAY_CLIENT_SECRET.